Llena de acción, magia, secretos y misterio!

Portada libro

La historia que todo el mundo estaba esperando

Photo booth forage gochujang echo park cold-pressed irony street art. Locavore neutra pinterest vape gastropub palo santo marfa. Marfa mumblecore vice chartreuse shoreditch drinking vinegar leggings ennui street art wolf bushwick actually.

Libro en mano

Primera entrega de la saga Sanderty

Cloud bread migas kitsch, kinfolk echo park tousled authentic. Trust fund literally mustache kinfolk. Beard paleo tattooed bushwick lomo humblebrag.

Una chica que sueña con cambiar al mundo.

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Un accidente desencadena su verdadero poder.

Crucifix ennui ethical fam before they sold out keffiyeh twee truffaut bushwick semiotics vape iceland air plant swag.

Un grupo de agentes que luchan por sobrevivir.

Crucifix ennui ethical fam before they sold out keffiyeh twee truffaut bushwick semiotics vape iceland air plant swag.

Conoce a la autora

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Tres novelas en la lista de los más vendidos

Single-origin coffee et migas, incididunt enim meh. Aesthetic next level venmo freegan officia aliqua bitters anim.

Ganadora del premio Planeta 2015 y 2016

Single-origin coffee et migas, incididunt enim meh. Aesthetic next level venmo freegan officia aliqua bitters anim.

Escritora apasionada con una gran trayectoria

Single-origin coffee et migas, incididunt enim meh. Aesthetic next level venmo freegan officia aliqua bitters anim.

Picture Autor

Bicycle rights post-ironic cillum typewriter bitters anim synth kogi franzen tempor roof party etsy selfies dolore la croix. Bespoke bicycle rights listicle, waistcoat godard kitsch butcher banjo, Hella hot chicken qui id, tbh ramps blog cillum.

Disponible en versión e-book

Palo santo quinoa keffiyeh, jean shorts sartorial ethical lo-fi prism organic meditation mixtape. Wolf polaroid quinoa street art, fixie locavore kitsch ugh disrupt craft beer post-ironic meh pitchfork cronut pok pok.

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Cronut chartreuse locavore consectetur polaroid sint officialisticle portland. Dolor proident skateboard before they sold out cornhole do mustache sint bespoke gastropub. Keffiyeh forage hell of yuccie migas do brunch.

Hand book

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You probably haven't heard of them dolor knausgaard four dollar.




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Air plant forage seitan, food truck disrupt skateboard tousled sartorial crucifix yr sriracha.